Neurofeedback and Biofeedback.
Neurofeedback is the training of the brain by working with brain waves and electroencephalogram. Biofeedback allows you to learn to change physiological activity to improve health and performance.
E.M.D.R. therapy
E.M.D.R. It is a scientifically effective method of psychotherapy that has been shown to help recover from traumatic experiences and relief from chronic conditions such as Post-Traumatic Stress, Phobias or ADHD.
EMDR scientific proof (in Spanish)
More information.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive-Behavioral therapy involves the management of a series of behavior and thought modification techniques, which have scientific endorsement, allowing us to address very diverse psychological problems and pathologies.
Mindfulness and Relaxation Training
With an ample historical trajectory and evidence on its effectiveness in physical and mental health, mindfulness training is essential to overcome psychological diseases (crisis of anguish, panic, ...), medical (migraines) , chronic pain) but also to enjoy quality of life or achieve powerful goals.
The symptoms warn us that something in the life of the person is not regulated, so it is essential to attend to them. It is very important to know what is under the symptom and understand its origin in order to access the root and core of the problem and thus solve it as quickly as possible.
Trauma is a "wound" that can be caused by one situation, several or even many over time. The importance of the cause of the trauma does not determine the quality of the damage that it produces, its effects will depend on each person, their history, their affective environment, the moment in which it occurred and its repetition over time. The effect on the health of the person is general and must be intervened after a precise evaluation and going to the origin safely.
Understanding the role that addiction plays in the person is essential to design an effective treatment and the approach to the goal of quitting the addiction must be done with respect to the complete balance of the patient. In addition, treatment must be considered globally since addictive pathologies are comorbid with other psychological problems or diseases. Within this broad group are behavioral addictions such as gambling, addiction to electronic devices, the internet or social networks, sex, work or compulsive shopping and, on the other hand, addictions to addictive substances such as alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, and other drugs.
Motherhood involves a great transformation at the brain and psychological level. Traditionally, care for mothers and babies has focused on physical and medical aspects, relegating the psychic and psychological consequences of experiences at this stage to the background. Perinatal Psychology considers the neurobiological processes of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, paying attention to the emotional needs of babies and the bond with their parents.
A good part of the medical ailments that we suffer throughout our lives have to do with our emotional state, especially if the discomfort lasts over time. We refer, for example, to skin diseases, headaches, hypertension, tics, low back pain, gastritis, irritable bowel, Crohn's, fibromyalgia ... From this angle it is essential to discover what is behind each symptom or disease and understand the emotional impact that has activated it to regain the balance of the body.
Avenue des Celtes 8, bte. 1. 1040 Brussels
Opening hours (with appointment): Mon to Fri 8.30 to 15.30
AppointmentThe Psychology4u project was born 6 years ago in the city of Madrid and travels to Brussels where it takes shape from the hand of private practice to be able to work with people from multiple cultural backgrounds with the richness that this implies. Our point of view stems from the interest in Clinical Epidemiology in severe and long-lasting Mental Illness 15 years ago and for which we continue working. We created Psychology4u as a clinical space that combines Neuroscience and modern Clinical Psychology.
Throughout our clinical and health experience, the need to generate long-term changes in people who come for consultation or who are cared for in community settings such as prisons, insertion centers or hospitals for mental health, makes us look for techniques powerful, avant-garde, non-invasive and with recognized results from Clinical Neuropsychology and the leading EMDR approach in the treatment of Personality Disorders, Complex Trauma, Attachment and Dissociation.
In the same way, it is a priority to resolve the severity and intensity of the symptom in a short period of time so that the person can achieve quality of life as soon as possible. New Generation Therapies such as Neurofeedback and Biofeedback help us to achieve this with proven efficacy and quickly. The evaluations by Brain Topographic Mapping are carried out in collaboration with international experts (quantitative analysis of EEG-QEEG) to be as exhaustive as possible and to be able to resolve the pathology quickly and efficiently.
Within the applications of Neurotherapies is the job opportunity to generate High Performance in athletes and opponents where we have found very satisfactory results in both countries. Offering brain training programs for elite athletes, entrepreneurs, students and opponents.
In Psychology4u the objective is to accompany people and their family to improve their quality of life and well-being, increase their autonomy or self-confidence, providing the necessary resources so that the person feels protected and acquires the ability to function in a healthy and harmonious way through the therapeutic process.
If you finally decide to make a consultation, remember that professional ethics as a psychologist obliges us to maintain confidentiality and professional secrecy in therapy. All information received, therefore, will be treated respecting the total intimacy and privacy of the person making the query.
More information on our code of ethics
Biofeedback and Neurofeedback are expanding, non-invasive, and scientifically proven techniques that are part of the so-called Neurotherapies. They were discovered many years ago but in recent years they have increased their use considerably, which allows us to reach the general population more easily, being able to enjoy their multiple benefits people with difficulties such as ADD / ADHD, migraines , anxiety, sleep problems, addictions, and a great etc. It is a different, innovative and simple procedure that, without the use of drugs and without side effects, improves the functioning of the activity.
Neurofeedback and Biofeedback work at the mind-body level, since we know that when we work on one area, it inevitably has repercussions on the others. We know that training in Heart Rate Variability (Biofeedback) is a way of working on emotional regulation. And in the same way, when we train with Neurofeedback (reinforcement and inhibition of brain waves) we improve not only psychological conditions, but there is also an improvement in organic problems such as epilepsy, fibromyalgia or migraines.
In training sessions, sensors are placed at the body level (in the case of Biofeedback) or on the head (in the case of Neurofeedback) through which we can observe the internal state of the person. From there, the procedure is very simple. The person is positioned comfortably looking at a screen and will view different animations and moving images. The person does not have to do anything, just try to be as calm as possible, present and paying attention. The work is produced in an involuntary way progressively.
Neurofeedback is simply Biofeedback applied directly to the brain. People learn to train and regulate their brain function in order to optimize their performance. With Neurofeedback we record the electrical activity of our brain and extract data on general functioning. Once this is done, the information is analyzed and a personalized treatment program is designed.
Biofeedback is a technique through which we can modify some of the specific body functions such as respiratory and heart rate or blood pressure, to improve cases of hypertension, respiratory or heart problems, learn to relax or calm down in stressful situations , anxiety problems or trouble sleeping. People learn to observe the physiological parameters of their own body.
The goal is self-regulation, understanding this as a fundamental aspect for proper brain function. Self-regulation training allows our central nervous system to function better and therefore helps us to regulate ourselves emotionally more efficiently in our day-to-day lives.
The evaluation of the functioning of the brain by its brain waves guides us in the psychological evaluation. As the waves do not adapt to operating standards, it can indicate the symptoms, the pathology and the treatment plan.
Brain mapping is a study similar to the well-known electroencephalogram (EEG). In them the electrical activity of the brain (AEC) is recorded to determine neurological dysfunctions or for investigation of the nervous system.
Our brain works with the exchange of chemical substances and with flows of electrical current. The arduous research on ACS has allowed clinicians to offer diagnoses through knowledge of the aspects related to it. In brain diseases or dysfunctions, there are alterations in the regulation of the ACS that can be interpreted in the study images.
The AEC is represented by waves that are divided into frequencies according to their size (see figure 1). Waves are measured in hertz and are classified according to the number of waves in a second, that is, in cycles (waves) per second. The largest waves are delta waves. They are those that go from 1 to 3 hz, theta waves go from 4 to 8 hz, alpha from 8 to 12 hz and beta from 13 to 21 hz. Each frequency is related to specific functions of the brain.
Unlike the EEG, brain mapping shows the distribution of the different frequencies on maps, which outline different aspects of them and which have international normality parameters. Aspects of AEC include: absolute power, relative power, symmetry, coherence, and phase. Each of them reflects aspects of the functioning of the brain and its cognitive, affective or biological functions.
As mentioned before, there are currently normative databases that offer Z scores. With them, it is possible to know the aspects of the AEC that do not comply optimal function on the client. Z-scores tell us how much each aspect of the client's ACS deviates from normal values.
All the data that from the mapping is used for four purposes in Neurofeedback:When a person presents difficulties in their brain functions, there are generally alterations in all aspects of the ACS, although with different degrees of magnitude. When the Neurofeedback protocol is developed, we take into account which of the aspects found with dysfunction will be trained to normalize them.
For example, it may be decided to train the power of some frequencies of the AEC, choosing the brain areas where the training will take place. Likewise, the differences in amplitude between brain areas, also the phase or speed of conduction, or the coherence or connectivity between different regions of the brain can be trained.
When the client trains with Neurofeedback, the aspects that make up his AEC return to normal, and the results of said training are manifested in greater physical, cognitive, social and emotional ability.
For many patients, EMDR is more helpful for their problems than other conventional therapies.
EMDR is a method that combines theoretical-clinical elements of orientations such as psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavioral and others. EMDR focuses, on the one hand, on understanding the effect of adverse and traumatic experiences that have caused the manifest pathology and, on the other, on processing these experiences through structured procedures. In this case, bilateral stimulation, which can be:
This facilitates the connection between the two cerebral hemispheres, achieving information processing and reducing emotional load. With EMDR, it is the therapist who guides the process and who makes the clinical decisions about the direction of the intervention.
For this reason, my work as a psychologist thanks to EMDR therapy is based on being able to identify, together with the patient, what the specific problem is, which will be the focus of the treatment. Through the description that the patient provides of said incident and, supported by the psychologist, the most important aspects of said event and those that generate the most distress can be selected.
The final goal with EMDR is for the patient to be able to process the information about the traumatic incident, leading it to an "adaptive resolution" or, what is the same: reduce symptoms, change the belief system, possibility of functioning better in the daily life.
EMDR is an effective approach, scientifically proven and used by different countries as the approach of choice for different treatments.
Institutions such as APA (American Psychological Association), the NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence), the Department of Health of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Holland, France or the WHO (World Health Organization), have declared the EMDR together with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as the empirically supported treatments of choice for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.
It is true that, currently, its application extends to a wide range of clinical problems, demonstrating great efficacy and speed for the treatment of grief, phobias, anxiety disorders, OCD, eating disorders, somatoform disorders (fibromyalgia, headaches), addictions , and pathologies of childhood and adolescence (adoptions, conduct disorders, hyperactivity, losses, etc.).
The EMDR approach – whose acronym stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and whose author Francine Shapiro discovered it by chance in 1987 - is a psychotherapeutic approach, that works on the patient's own processing system, which is its own intrinsic system and that, for various reasons (deaths, psychological, emotional, physical abuse, separations, other types of problems, or other factors that occur in the patient's life ), it is blocked causing symptoms such as fear, anguish, sadness, pain, low self-esteem, beliefs such as "I am not worth it", "I am stupid", "I am forever damaged", "I cannot express my emotions with confidence", etc.).
These facts, by not being treated, sometimes after an event such as a separation, abandonment, the diagnosis of a serious illness, etc., chronify these symptoms, becoming a disorder (depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder , addictions, etc.) This approach is also recommended in the treatment of emotional difficulties caused by difficult experiences in the life of the subject, from phobias, panic attacks, traumatic death and grief or traumatic incidents in childhood, to accidents and disasters natural. EMDR is also used to alleviate public speaking anxiety and / or phobia, to improve performance at work, in sports, and in artistic performances.
EMDR as a method can be integrated with the rest of the approaches, since we all work on the patient's history, what changes is the focus. Some work on the family system, others on behavior, others on meaning. For many patients, EMDR is more helpful for their problems than other conventional therapies.